De-Cluttering My Hair Products

When I moved from an apartment to my house, I didn't really give any thought to whether or not all of my hair products would fit in my new bathroom...... Surprise! They barely fit. As I have settled into my much smaller bathroom, there are definitely products that have already started collecting dust, and others that I reach for nearly every other day. I have been on a bit of a de-cluttering kick, and this was the first project of many!

Here is what my tiny corner of hair products looked like. Very stuffed and cluttered. Just about every time I would reach for something, I would knock over half the products on the shelf; it was so maddening!!!

We'll start with this set of products, solely because I have had them WAY too long to admit... It's quite embarrassing. Not one of these products I have used in the past 4 years, as well as some of them made my hair a greasy mess. Every single one of these went to the trash bin without question.

These are all products I kept, as I use them the most out of everything I had. Except the dry shampoo..... I ran out of it and had forgotten to throw it away.... 

Only the first 4 products (from left to right) did I keep. All of the others barely have anything left in them, or have just not worked on my hair at all!

This is what my shelf looks like now! It feels so much better reaching up for my mousse and not knocking everything off the shelf! Slowly but surely I am starting to find places for all of my self-care products. It always takes me a couple to months to finally settle on where I am comfortable putting everything in my house... I haven't even started on the kitchen, but that is going to take an entire day in itself!

How often do you de-clutter and get rid of things you don't use it don't need? I am super curious to know!!! 

This is all for now my lovelies! 
