My 2018 New Year’s Goals

Hello everyone!!!

Long time no see! I am so glad 2017 is over! So much has happened, and there is so much more I want to do in the New Year. I wouldn’t necessarily say that these are “resolutions” but more like things I would like to change over the course of the year, as well as achieve.

2018 has been a bit of a roller coaster so far, which is why I have been MIA for a bit. Maybe one day I'll throw it all into a blog post or two for you!

So let’s just dive right in! 

  • Eat healthier & cook more
  • Take better care of myself
  • Be more calm
  • Be more intimate with my husband
  • Become for fluent in Swedish & ACTUALLY practice
  • Build a fence for the backyard
  • Paint the interior of the house
  • Spend more time with friends
  • Make new friends
  • Continue to be kind to everyone
  • Take control of my ED
  • Get back to dancing again
  • Care less about what people think of me

I feel like this is a good list of things to achieve, considering where I am in my life at this time. I'd love to know what your "New Year's Resolutions" or goals are!

This is all for now my lovelies!


