An Update

Hello Everyone!

I wish I'd had the time to write to you all sooner than this! I am just settling into my new home and thought I'd give you an update; Why it's taken me this long to post. In short, my husband and I are nearing the court date of our divorce, we sold the house and I have moved into my own apartment with both of the fur babies. Surprise.

It has been a huge lifestyle change for me and as much as I hoped the divorce would go smoothly, it didn't. It's been a whole process since the New Year, and I felt detached from my husband even before I truly came to terms with getting a divorce. I plan on writing another post about how the circumstances we were in affected our relationship. It was a lot.

My mental health and ED took a turn for the worst as I was in the thick of my divorce, however I can say that I have been without my medications and at a steady, healthy weight for 4 months now with very, very few setbacks. I have never felt more okay in my own skin and it makes me so happy.

As for the house, it was up on the market for 5 days and was sold shortly after listing. It sold for quite a bit more than we had bought it for, so it wasn't a huge loss to us. I moved in with my parents again before I found my perfect little apartment. I cannot wait until all of the boxes are out and I can give you all a little tour! I've never once fallen in love with my living space, but this apartment is SO me and I am so happy here with Pixel and Sprite.

Surprisingly throughout all of this, I met someone new. Totally unexpected, as I was not actively looking for a new relationship. This man has taken me by surprise and I've fallen for him hard. I know some of you might be thinking that I am rushing into things and I need time to heal from my ex husband and that relationship of 6 years. It's interesting to hear me say this out loud, but by the time I had even slightly thought about divorce, my husband was no longer my husband. He felt more like a roommate or a good friend, and the love I had for him had changed. What I can tell you is that I have never felt more free, more myself, and more loved than I ever felt with my last relationship. I loved the wrong person for so long, and I think I may have found my Mr. Right. He is everything I have ever wanted or dreamed of in a man, and I feel so safe around him. Maybe one day I'll get the chance to introduce you all to him; he is so lovely.

2018 has been quite the ride so far! Hopefully soon, I'll get to share more of it with you!

