A Newbie's Favorite Instant Pot Recipe - Homemade Yogurt

I’ve finally done it…. We bought an Instant Pot!

I don’t want to say that I’d fallen into peer pressure when it came to the purchase of our Instant Pot, because that wasn’t the case at all. In fact, I got tired of dinner taking an hour to make with both my husband and I working full-time. Top that with a hungry toddler and an infant who wants to eat everything, I’d had enough of hour long dinners. We were browsing the aisles of Walmart when - Surprise! The Instant Pot was on sale!

The very first time I used it, it was an absolute fail. I didn’t put the pressurizing cap on and burnt the noodles and didn’t cook my meatballs at all. I had a good cry after that one. Since then, I have found a few recipes that are super easy to make and I enjoy eating! My favorite so far has been Homemade Yogurt!

It’s a fairly easy recipe (almost fool proof) and yields some pretty delicious yogurt! My mother-in-law introduced me to her recipe, and I won’t go back to store-bought yogurt again! It’s great by itself, but also with toppings, in smoothies and even frozen! Let me know if you try this out and what types of toppings use put on it! I love some honey granola with raw honey on top - YUM!