
I've been thinking lately

Thinking of you

And how it came to be

That I've become so disappointed

I thought I knew who you were,

The friend I knew

But now that’s turned to nothing

As for I've discovered a dark secret

I'd rather not know

Who are you?

Where has my friend gone?


Though I barely knew you,

You made me smile

But that smile has diminished

Into a concerned frown upon my face

I know you don’t feel the same for me,

But what caused you to change for her?

You chose her and changed yourself

To be with a group I know nothing about

You are hidden from me,

In a dark world that would swallow me whole;

A world I would never escape

But you... You have entered this world

And gotten yourself into much more

Than you bargained for

And I know this for sure:

Once you've gotten yourself in too deep

You'll never escape from

The new being you have created

A disoriented version of yourself,

And I have to be the one to watch you fall


You'll do things

You told yourself you'd never do

You'll be thinking things

That never occurred to you could happen

You'll hurt those around you

Like you never thought you could....

You'll end up being like me,

The me I thought I knew

I did things I never imagined doing

I thought things I knew would never come,

Then again no I hurt the people around me

As I was hurting myself...

I don’t want you to end up

Like the nobody I had become

As you can see, I escaped

While I still could, While there was still hope...


You still have a chance

To get out of the dark world

That has sucked you in

I have faith in you

As every one of your friends does

The pain you feel now

Is only minor compared to

The pain later on

You can still save yourself

From what you've created;

Look in the glass mirror

And see what

Has changed

And become the real you

I know I've seen

Just look in the glass mirror.
