The Day I Found Out I Was Going To Be A Mother

December 14th, 2018

I had just gotten off work, and was getting ready to have a nice evening playing board games with family and friends. Jacob and I had talked about starting our family, but we weren’t sure how long it would take. I had just stopped taking my birth control, and didn’t really track the first month we tried. No positive test, so I got discouraged enough that I decided to take tracking a bit more seriously. I tracked my ovulation every single day, I tracked my moods, emotions, physical symptoms; the whole nine yards. I’d also heard that it can be extremely difficult to get pregnant immediately after coming off the pill. Like, it could take months. 

Before hopping in the shower, I did the deed and peed on the stick. I always had a hope that it would show a second pink line, but at this point I didn’t know if it was possible. I finished my hot shower, continued getting ready and completely forgot about the pregnancy test I had taken. I’m just about to leave my little apartment in Brown’s Addition when I remembered the test I had taken. I zoomed into the bathroom and grabbed it from where I had safely hid it. A very, very, faint pink line was there.

My mind raced about a million thoughts per second. When would they be due? Was there just one baby? What now? Also, ME? Pregnant?? 

I couldn’t wait to tell Jacob. I had agreed to tell him as soon as I found out, but he was already at his cousin’s house waiting for me. The only way I knew to let him know without everyone else finding out was through Snapchat (are people still even using it?)

So I hop in the car, and head inside of our cousin’s place. Jacob is acting completely normal, meanwhile I am freaking out. I waited until Jacob and I had a few seconds alone and I asked him to look at his Snapchat. He finally looked, knew not to say anything and just smiled. I remember him mouthing “really?!” to me and I nodded.

The next day I took a name-brand test and got the very clear positive. And then took a test every single day until I had none left!

When I found out I was pregnant with Ben, I had no idea what to think. Obviously I was excited, but a part of me was very scared. I had miscarried before, and was trying to be optimistic that this baby would stick. I had already been reading my pregnancy book, but now that it was real everything it had taught me kind of felt a little blurry. I had always wanted to be a mother, I knew I was meant to be a mother, and that want was becoming a reality. It was a whirlwind of emotions. Happy, scared, excited, nervous, confused (lol), nauseous, and so many more.

The day I found out I was pregnant changed my life. I can’t imagine what my life would be like if I hadn’t gotten pregnant with Benjamin.

How did you feel when you found out you were pregnant? Let’s chat in the comments!

This is all for now!


~ Izzy