June Stitch Fix Review

Hello everyone!

This is going to be a new kind of post on my blog, as I am usually oriented around parenting and lifestyle.

Incoming Fashion Post!!!

I have been hearing of Stitch Fix for a while now, and have never hopped on the bandwagon of trying it out. Since having Ben, none of my clothes fit like they used to. I now have hips, I’m a little bustier than I was, and I’m not as comfortable as I used to be. My shredded dancer body is now a very different mom body that I am still working on getting used to.

I’ve gone through my closet quite a few times as the seasons have changed, trying everything on and getting rid of things that clearly will not fit anymore (like going from a 00 to a 2 in pant size). I got rid of a lot of clothes. So that’s kind of a problem since I don’t have many left. I’m also working on upping my wardrobe for work, leaning towards more professional and less casual.

And then COVID-19 hit, and no shopping for me.

Also, no, this post is not sponsored by Stitch Fix, as much as I wish it was.

Since we have been in quarantine for well over 3 months now, I figured what better time it would be to try this out! I received my first box back in May and really enjoyed it, so I continued with a second shipment.

Here’s the deets. Stitch Fix is a monthly shipment of an assortment of clothes, jewelry, shoes, etc., that you try on at home. You start by taking a “Style Quiz” and get paired up with a personal stylist who picks different pieces for you! After your receive your personalized box of goodies, you try them on! You pay for what you like and send back anything you don’t. It’s crazy simple! It includes return packaging and all! There’s a $20 Stylist fee that you pay for, and it goes towards anything you end up purchasing.

When it comes to your stylist, be brutally honest about everything. You don’t want them sending you $60 tops when you budget is closer to $30. Don’t like crazy colors or patterns? Tell them! They are there to help you find clothes that work for you and your preferences!

I got my June box in the mail today, and I have some feelings about it.

It included three shirts, a pair of shoes and a piece of jewelry - very exciting.


I’ll start with this blouse by Fun2Fun. The colors were fun, the fit was okay, but the material was not my favorite. It’s made of a polyester spandex which means it could shrink. I liked it, but not $38 top kind of like.


Next were these sandal wedges by Report. I seriously LOVE these. They are so comfortable to wear, and the fit is spot on with my shoe size. They are almost too expensive for me at $65, but I have also been buying all my shoes for $5 and they’ve since fallen apart…


I call this, the “Bird Lady Blouse.” This Mix by 41 Hawthorne blouse was one of my least favorite pieces. I would have liked it so much more if the pattern was polka-dots, or starbursts - ANYTHING but birds. Not worth $44 for this one.


This illusion necklace by Bancroft was another no for me. It looks super dainty in the photo, but in person its gaudy and yellow. Like, bumblebee yellow. My skin tone already has a yellow-y tone, and I don’t need a necklace to blend in with that. That’s $28 I will not be spending.


This was a winner for me. I’ve always wanted to try a cheetah print or leopard print, but I hadn’t found one that was delicate enough for my taste. This Lush blouse is perfect for me. It’s an off-white, and can go with so many outfits. And on top of that, the quality of this shirt is lovely. I don’t mind spending $44 on this one.

This Fix was more of a miss than a hit for me. I did enjoy the two pieces I picked, but the other three were so far off from what I would consider professional wear for my job. I did ask for a new stylist, as I don’t think this one understood my sense of what I like and don’t like.

Overall, this is a fantastic way to branch out and try styles you may not have tried on in person at a retail store! My first Stitch Fix came with a navy blazer that I didn’t think I would like, but I did! It’s definitely worth trying at least once. I’ve linked my referral code here if you are interested in trying it out!

This is all for now!
